Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Power Introductory Paragraph

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character,give him power." 
You can see a normal person in the streets and say he is completely harmless but once he gets a little bit of power he will abuse it. You will soon see the kind of man he is. I agree because whenever someone has power over you he/she will use it in any manner. This can clearly be seen in WWII when "Adolf Hitler" came into control but before that he was just a normal guy but as soon as he got power it showed the evil he was and it was no good. In "Chasing Lincoln's Killer." Abraham Lincoln had all power and whenever he got shot "John Wilkes Booth" had the power to shoot him in plain sight. Both were powers but now the authority had the power to execute him.

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